In case you are wondering which utilities you should choose from from a list of 100 mini-software, below is an essential list of some of the most useful NirSoft Utilities that every Windows user should have.
Note: Windows anti-piracy software may find some NirSoft utilities as potentially unwanted software or as a trojan. You can safely ignore the warnings.
1. CurrPorts
As the name suggests, it is a network monitoring tool that can display the currently active TCP / IP and UDP ports on the local computer. This tool is handy in analyzing connections now in use by different programs.
2. CurrProcess
As a portable alternative to Windows task manager but displays rich information about the running process like connected DLLs, file path, base address, etc. Besides listing detailed information about methods, you can perform all standard functions, Kills a circle, etc.
3. TCPLogView
Especially useful when you want to log all open and closed TCP connections with various information such as a local address, remote address, event time, event type, port, etc.
4. RegFileExport
If you want RegFileExport from a reg file already stored somewhere on your hard disk, then it is the application you need. The good thing about RegFileExport is that it can retrieve information even from a damaged reg file.
5. SpecialFoldersView
Windows has different utilities placed in other folders in different locations. Please list all the folders in one window so you can easily access any of them with a single click.
6. MyUninstaller
It can be used as an alternative to the regular Windows uninstaller. But unlike Windows, MyUninstaller displays additional information about all your installed programs and allows you to export that list as a text file or an HTML file.
7. DiskSmartView
Gathers all the SMART information of your installed hard drive and that list in a single window. Information includes, but is not limited to, firmware or serial number, temperature, error rate, etc.
8. DiskCountersView
Using, you can see total activity and total read and write times of each drive in your system. The application also displays regular information such as hidden areas, partition numbers, etc.
9. BlueScreenView
It is a simple utility that displays the generated minidump files on a blue screen of death. These minidumps can be used to analyze the cause of the BSoD.
10. USBDeView
Lists all USB devices currently connected to your computer. Besides listing tools, it can also help gather more information about the devices and uninstall the device itself.
11. WinCrashReport
Acts as a workaround to the Windows Crash Report application and lists all the recently failed applications. The good thing is it will show extensive information like exception code, memory address, etc.
12. FolderChangesView
It can be used to monitor a selected directory for any changes. If any file in the selected folder has been changed, this simple application will log the changes and events.
13. DriverView
Acts as a replacement for Device Manager, and unlike Device Manager, it lists all the loaded device drivers with rich information like download address, file type, etc.
14. LastActivityView
As the name suggests, it displays all recent activities and events collected from various Windows sources in one user interface.
15. WhatInStartup
It is a powerful alternative to the regular Windows Startup manager. This app displays a variety of information about command-line series, registry location, file system, etc. WhatInStartup also includes a Permanently Disable feature, which allows you to disable an application permanently.
That’s all for now, and hopefully, that helps. Do comment below share your favorite NirSoft utility.