Gibraltar, Pathfinder, and Caustic are characters with low win rates because they are much bigger than other characters, making it easier to take bullets.
After a few weeks of launching, gamers playing Caustic, Gibraltar, or Pathfinder realize that Apex Legends is unfair. These characters have a larger size than the other five characters in the game, resulting in a bigger hitbox (body part hit), making them very easy to hit bullets when fighting. You can easily verify this in the game by shooting at targets: Gibraltar or Pathfinder is easy to take shots, while Lifeline and Wraith are extremely difficult to defeat by their body posture and size on the screen.
This physical difference is one of the most discussed on the game forums. For a battle royale game where a bit of advantage is also significant, the difference in hitbox is something that gamers cannot ignore, especially when they have the same amount of blood and armor. Good gamers can easily win with Bangalore, Lifeline or Wraith, but will “eat onions” if they choose Caustic, Gibraltar because of the difference in these characters’ damage ability.
In hero-shooter games like Overwatch or Rainbow Six: Siege, the characters come in many different sizes, and their sizes are often tied to the character’s “buffalo” level. For example, Overwatch’s Roadhog fat guy has 600 HP, while Hanzo is more than 200 HP. In Rainbow Six Siege, strong characters like Rook are classified as Heavy Armor and receive less damage. This does not exist in Apex Legends, and therefore there is almost no reason for gamers to choose large characters in the game.
Meanwhile, the two opponents of Apex Legends, Fortnite and PUBG, do not have this problem because the characters in the game do not have the skillset. Everything that gamers use to change the appearance of the name is not affected by the hitbox.
At present, because there is no official information from the Respawn developer about the characters’ hitbox, gamers have to test themselves by punishing the wall behind the character like in a cartoon. SookieSpy, a YouTuber, did an amazing job of measuring characters’ hitboxes in a video that you can watch below.
I am testing the character’s hitbox in Apex Legends.
Of course, SookieSpy’s results are not 100% accurate because they move during the test and are slightly different. Besides, during the game, you do not shoot a stationary character, but they carry each movement and skill that the player makes. However, this test’s final result proved to be accurate enough for you to realize the difference is vast between the characters in the game.
On Respawn’s side, the studio’s community manager said they knew about the issue and discussed the characters’ rebalancing. This is a challenging puzzle because Respawn cannot “evolve” for names of the same size while changing each character’s damage ability will lead to other problems.
Tips you may not know in Apex Legends Like other Battle Royale games, Apex Legends contains quite a lot of secrets in its gameplay. I will reveal the tips in Apex Legends in this article.
Indeed, the fact that you are defeated in Apex Legends is not only by the character’s hitbox but also by combining many factors, including your aiming ability, the skill of the name, the index of equipped weapons, et cetera et cetera. Gibraltar is the largest in the game but has a shield that blocks 50 damage from aiming. Wraith and Bangalore, meanwhile, are both small and have incredibly flexible positional skills, making it harder for them to be hit. When combining these skills with a hitbox and equipment that the character can carry on him, everything suddenly becomes a tangled spider web. It makes the game balance problem unexpectedly extremely difficult.
Let’s consider an example:
- Suppose Respawn gives Gibraltar maximum armor increased from 100 armor (4 bars) to 150 armor (6 bars) to compensate for his bigger size, and keep Wraith at 100 armor.
- So Gibraltar will take up to 18 seconds to use 6 Shield Cells to restore their armor fully. Six seconds is a difficult time by the enemy can completely “headshot” you easily.
- If Respawn wants to keep Gibraltar, they only need 4 Shield Cells to restore their full armor (reducing the number of armor bars from 6 to 4, but the capacity is still 150). They must fix the Shield Cell to restore one armor bar.
- In this case, a Shield Cell will restore 25 Wraith armor as usual, but Gibraltar receives up to 37.5 armor in the same 3-second period using Shield Cell.
So Gibraltar received two buffs with only one modification from Respawn. That is not to mention how Gibraltar will accept that 50 additional armor – available upon landing or an intrusion + 50% armor from the armor he picked up? If he appeared with 100 health + 50 armor in the first place, would Gibraltar be too strong compared to other characters and slap them back to the village instantly? If he chooses to add it as an internal skill, he will still be too weak in the early game because 50% of Common armor is only 12.5 damage – about one shot.
12.5 armor is sufficient for a handgun shot.
After looking at my example, the author suddenly felt lucky because I was not the one who had to find a way to balance online games. That responsibility is still on Respawn’s game designers, and until they come up with an answer that will satisfy every gamer, thinking they will continue to stick with Wraith, Bangalore, and Lifeline.