Determining the available hard drive space will vary depending on the operating system currently being used. Below is a list of the different operating systems and methods for determining how much space is available in that operating system.

Note: Memory (RAM) and hard drive space are two completely different things. If you want to know how much RAM your computer has viewed, find out how much RAM is installed on a computer page.

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Windows 10 users

  1. From the Windows Desktop, right-click the Start button or press the Windows + X shortcut to open the Power User Task Menu.
  2. In the Start menu or Power User Task, select File Explorer.
  3. In the File Explorer window, on the left navigation pane, click This PC.
  4. After selecting This PC, you will see each drive with a small bar percentage of how much disk space is being used, as well as a description of how much free and total disk space is. If you need more information, right-click the drive and choose Properties.

Below is an example of what this might resemble drive (C :).

Dung lượng ổ đĩa trong Windows 8

Windows 8 users

  1. From Windows Desktop, click This PC or press Windows key + E.
  2. In This PC window, you will see each drive with a small percentage bar of how much disk space is being used, as well as a description of how much free and total disk space is. If you need more information, right-click the drive and choose Properties.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users

  1. From Windows Desktop, double-click the My Computer icon or press the Windows + E keyboard shortcut.
  2. In the Computer window, you will see each drive with a small percentage bar of how much disk space is being used, as well as a description of how much free and total disk space is. If you need more information, right-click the drive and choose Properties.

Below is an example of what a windows calculator looks like with the percentage bar.


Windows 95, 98, NT 4.x, 2000, ME, and XP users

  1. From the Windows Desktop, double-click the My Computer icon.
  2. In My Computer, highlight and right-click on C: Drive or the drive you want to determine the space or available space on the drive.
  3. In the menu that appears after right-clicking on the drive, choose Properties.
  4. The Properties window shows the used space, free space, and total capacity of the hard drive or other drives, similar to what is shown below.

Dung luong o dia

Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP users

If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP, My Computer also shows Total Size and Free Space per drive in the My Computer main window. If you want to display more information and a chart of the available space, follow the steps above.

Tip: You can also view the available space through MS-DOS.

MS-DOS and Windows command line users

Open MS-DOS.

To determine the available space on a hard drive using MS-DOS, we recommend using the command ‘ dir ”.

At the MS-DOS DOS prompt, type: dir.

At the bottom of the directory listing, you should see information similar to the example below.

 2 file (s) 578 bytes
15 dir (s) 16,754.78 MB free

As you can see above, the hard drive has over 16 GB of free space. If you want to see all the files and space they are occupying, enter the commands below.

dir / s

The above command will list all files on your computer (except hidden files) and give you the total amount of disk space they use and free disk space.

Windows 3.x and NT 3.x users

In Windows 3.x or Windows NT 3.x, you can determine the amount of free space available by highlighting your C: drive and on the status bar at the bottom of the screen to see the open free space and the total.