Error D3dx9_43.dll not found error, as its name suggests, means a D3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer. This file is included with the DirectX package. The file can be missing for a variety of reasons. You may not have the latest DirectX or a specific version of DirectX required for the program. Files may just be corrupted or not installed properly due to some interruptions during the DirectX installation process.

Although it could be the reason for missing files, since we know which file is missing, it is relatively easy to reinstall the files and fix them. There are two ways you can use it to get around this error. Go through each method and see if it solves your problem.

Lỗi thiếu d3dx9_43-dll

Whenever we see an error like D3dx9_43.dll or any other dll missing, we tend to download a single dll file from any 3rd party website. Although this solves the problem, the majority of the time, it’s not safe. A lot of these files may contain malware or something else that could get into your system. A more secure approach is to use the official Microsoft website to download the package.

  • You can also uninstall and reinstall the program that is causing the problem. There may also be a problem during the installation and will be resolved after reinstalling the program.

Method 1: Install DirectX

Since the missing file is part of the DirectX package, the first thing you should do is install the latest version of DirectX. Note that Microsoft usually updates DirectX without changing the version number. So even if you have the same version mentioned on the website, you should still install DirectX to be sure.

Follow the steps below to install the latest version of DirectX.

Download the DirectX installer and run it. It is an offline installer. This will completely replace all DirectX related files, including those that are corrupt or missing. So this is a preferred option significantly if the file is damaged.

Go here to install DirectX via the online installer. This will replace any lost files from your computer, but it will be ineffective if your file is corrupt.

Once you have installed DirectX, check to see if the problem is solved.

Method 2: install DirectX (Alternate)

Most games and programs that require DirectX are integrated with the compatible version of DirectX. So if installing the latest version of DirectX doesn’t solve the problem, then install the version that came with your program. This should resolve the issue as the DirectX version that came with your game installer is the one that is best suited for your game.

So go to your program’s installation directory and look for a DirectX directory. If you see one, run the install and install DirectX that came with the program. Don’t worry. Even if it’s a different DirectX version, it won’t create any problems with the latest version installed on your computer.

Method 3: manually extract the file

If installing or updating DirectX doesn’t solve the problem, your last method is to manually extract the file and place it in your program folder. This resolves the issue for users who cannot get their program to work with any other method.

  1. Locate and double click on the DirectX package
  2. Click Yes on the License Agreement

  3. Click Browse. 
  4. Select the location/folder where you want to extract the files and click ok
  5. Click Ok again.

  6. Now go to the location/folder where you extracted the DirectX files.
  7. Locate the missing dll file on your computer. You can do that by writing the name in the search bar located in the top right corner. You will not find all. You will find an archive with the extension ” .cab “. Don’t forget to check if it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. There will be x64 or x86 mentioned at the end of their names. X86 is 32-bit while x64 is 64-bit.

  8. Once you locate the required file, open it with Winzip or Winrar.
  9. Select the missing dll file on your computer
  10. Click Unzip


  11. Choose a location, in this case, where your program (that’s giving the error) is installed.
  12. Click Unzip

When it is unzipped in the required folder, your program should work fine.

Method 4: update drivers

If installing the latest or most compatible DirectX version did not solve the problem, make sure you have installed the latest video/graphics card driver on your computer.

  1. Visit the video card manufacturer’s website.
  2. Find the latest version of the driver and check if you have the latest version.
  3. If you don’t have the newest version, then update your drivers.

Once your drivers are updated, check to see if the program still gives errors.