If you are getting a WerMgr.exe or WerFault.exe Application Error while using your Windows 10/8/7 PC, this article will help you fix those errors.
WerFault.exe or WerMgr.exe Application Error
WerFault.exe and WerMgr.exe are system files located in the System32 folder. This is part of the Windows error reporting system that collects and sends error logs from your system to Microsoft.
Microsoft Windows Error Reporting Service helps Microsoft and Microsoft partners diagnose problems in the software you use and provide solutions. Not all issues have solutions, but they are provided as steps to resolve the issue you reported or update to install when solutions are available.
This error can occur if the file has been corrupted due to some reason. If you get this error frequently, it can become quite annoying.
1] What you can do is run System File checks to scan your computer and repair your corrupt system files. Once the scan is complete, restart your computer.
2] More options will be running the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
Click Restart now and check for problems and let the tool scan for and fix memory problems.
3] If this helps, good for you. If not, then the best option for you is to disable Windows Error Reporting Service.
WerSvc or Windows Error Reporting Service allows reporting errors when programs stop working or respond and allow existing solutions to be resolved. It also will enable logs to be created for diagnostic and repair services. If this service is stopped, error reports may not function correctly, and results of diagnostic and repair services may not be displayed.
To do this, run services.msc. Locate the Windows Error Reporting Service. Right-click and select Properties. Change the boot type from Manual to Disabled. Click OK and restart your computer.
This will help prevent both types of errors, such as Application Error WerMgr.exe and WerMgr.exe.
You can also use the Windows Registry to enable or disable Windows Error Reporting Service.