When viewing your workbook in Excel 2019, setting up pages can make a world of difference. Excel 2019 gives you many options for setting up your pages. The Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab contains the following essential command buttons in Excel 2019:

  • Margins button to choose one of three preset margins for the report or set custom margins on the Page Setup dialog box’s Margins tab.
  • Orientation button to switch between Portrait mode and Landscape Mode (landscape) for printing.
  • The Size button selects one of the predefined paper sizes, sets a custom size, or changes the resolution or the number of printed pages on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
  • Print Area button to set and delete the print area.
  • Breaks button inserts or deletes page breaks.
  • The Background button opens the Sheet Background dialog box, where you can select a new picture or graphic to use as the background for the current worksheet. (This button changes to Delete Background as soon as you choose the wallpaper)
  • The Print Titles button opens the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box where you can specify the sheet rows to repeat at the top and the sheet columns to repeat on the left as print headers for the report.


Excel’s standard margin settings apply to a new report using the classic top, bottom, left, and right margins of 3/4 inch with just over 1/4 inch separating the header and footer from the top margins and below.

In addition to the Normal margin setting, the program allows you to choose two other standard margins from the Margins button’s drop-down menu:

  • Wide Margins with 1 inch, bottom, left, right, and 1/2 inch margins separate the header and footer from the top and bottom margins, respectively.
  • Narrow margins with top and bottom margins of 3/4 inch and left and right margins of 1/4 inch with 0.3 inches separating the header and footer from the top and bottom margins, respectively

Typically, you find yourself with a report taking up a full printed page and then just enough to spill over a second, virtually empty page. To compress the last column or last few rows of worksheet data into Page 1, try selecting Narrow on the Margins button drop-down menu in Excel 2019.

If that doesn’t do that, you can manually adjust the margins for the report from the Page Setup dialog box’s Margin tab or drag the margin markers in the Print screen preview area in Backstage view. (Press Ctrl + P and click the Show Margins button). To get more columns per page, try reducing the left and right margins. To get more rows on a page, try reducing the top and bottom margins.

To open the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box in Excel 2019, choose Custom Margins on the Margins button drop-down menu. There, enter new settings in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right text boxes – or choose new margin settings with their respective spinner buttons.

Điều chỉnh lề báo cáo của bạn từ tab Lề trong hộp thoại Page Setup

When you click the Show Margins button in the Print screen in Excel Backstage view (Ctrl + P) to modify the margin settings directly, you can also massage the column width as well as the margins. (To change one of the margins, place the mouse pointer over the desired margin marker (the pointer shape changes to a double-headed arrow) and drag the marker with the mouse in the appropriate direction. When you release the mouse, Excel will redraw. You can take or lose columns or rows, depending on the type of adjustment you make. Change the column width is the same story: Drag the column marker left or right to decrease or increase a specific column’s width in Excel 2019.


In Excel 2019, the drop-down menu attached with the Navigation button in the Page Setup group of the Ribbon’s Page Layout tab contains two options:

  • Portrait (default), where the print will run parallel to the short edge of the paper
  • Landscape, where the print will run parallel to the long edge of the paper

Because many sheets are much larger than the high number of pages (such as a budget or a sales sheet that tracks spending for 12 months), you might see a better spreadsheet.
If you switch from Portrait (contains fewer columns on the page because printing will run parallel to the page’s short edge) to Landscape mode.
Below you can see the Print Preview window with the landscape mode report’s first page in the Page Layout view. For this report, Excel may fit the other three columns of information on this page in landscape mode rather than in portrait mode. However, since this page orientation contains fewer rows, the total number of pages for this report increases from two pages in Portrait mode to four in landscape mode.Báo cáo Chế độ Landscape trong chế độ xem Page Layout.


Excel’s Print Titles feature allows you to print specific row and column headers on each page of the report. Print headers are necessary for multipage reports, where columns and rows of related data overflow other pages no longer display the row and column headers on the first page.

To specify rows and/or columns as Print Titles for the report in Excel 2019, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Print Titles button on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon or press Alt + PI. The Page Setup dialog box appears with the Sheet tab selected.
  2. Click on the rows to repeat at the top of the text box, then drag the rows with information you want to appear at the top of each page in the worksheet. If necessary, reduce the Page Setup dialog box to only rows to repeat at the top of the text box by clicking the text box’s Collapse / Expand button. Excel shows the Print Titles lines in the worksheet by placing a dotted line (moves as a selection) on the border between the headers and information in the report’s body.
  3. Click Columns to Repeat in the Left text box, and then drag across the range of columns whose information you want appears on the left edge of each page of the report printed in the worksheet below. If necessary, reduce the Page Setup dialog box to only columns for repeating in the left text box by clicking the text box’s Collapse / Expand button. Excel shows the Print Titles columns in the worksheet by placing a dotted line (moved as a selection) on the border between the headers and information in the report’s body.
  4. Press OK, or press Enter to close the Page Setup dialog box. Dotted lines show borders of row and column headers that disappear from the worksheet.

Specify the rows and columns to use as the Print Titles on the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

Above, rows 1 and 2 contain the sheet and column headers for the Little Bo-Peep Pet Detectives customer database specified as Print Titles for the report in the Page Setup dialog box. In the figure below, you can see the Print Preview window for the report’s second page. Notice how these Print Titles appear on all pages of the report.

Page 2 of the sample report in Print Preview View with the Print Titles identified.