The Windows Command Prompt is a screen where you type the command you want to execute. The command prompt is useful if you’re going to use batch files, basic scripting, or perform different administrative tasks. The regular command prompt has one shortcoming, and you cannot directly launch programs that require administrative privileges to work correctly. This is where the Windows 8 Elevated Command Prompt comes in handy. When you use the Elevated Command Prompt, any commands you enter and execute will run with administrative privileges. This allows you to run any program and perform all administrative tasks without displaying the User Account Control prompt each time.
In Windows 8 there are two methods that you can use to start an Elevated Command Prompt. The first is through a menu option on the Power Users Task Menu and the second method is to create an Elevated Command Prompt directly on the Windows 8 Start screen. This tutorial will guide you through using both methods. method to access an elevated command prompt in Windows 8.
Note: When you open the Command Prompt, your working directory is the UserProfile folder. When you open an elevated command prompt, your working directory will be replaced with C: Windows System32.
Method 1: Access the Elevated Command Prompt via the Power Users Tasks menu
To open an elevated command prompt, use the Windows + X key combination (
) to open the Power User Tasks menu.
When the menu is open, click the Command Prompt (Admin) menu option. If you use receive a User Account Control prompt, please allow it to continue. You will now see an elevated command prompt as shown below.
You can now use an elevated command prompt by typing the command you want to execute and then pressing Enter on your keyboard.
Method 2: Create a tile for an Elevated Command Prompt directly on the Windows 8 Start Screen
It is also possible to add a tile for an Elevated Command Prompt directly on your Windows 8 Start Screen. To do this, type cmd at the Windows Start screen.
When the search results appear, right-click on the Command Prompt search result to bring up that program’s properties.
Left click on the Pin to Start option and then go back to your start screen. You will now see a Command Prompt on your Windows Start Screen.
Now right-click on the Command Prompt command bar and when the bar’s properties bar appears, left-click on the Open File Location option .
This will open % UserProfile% AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs System Tools where you will see a list of keyboard shortcuts as shown below.
Right-click on the Command Prompt shortcut and then choose Properties from the menu that appears. The Command Prompt properties screen should now open.
Now click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Properties screen.
Put a check mark in Run as administrator and then press the OK button. You will now return to the Command Prompt properties screen. Click on the General tab and change the name of the shortcut from Command Prompt to Elevated Command Prompt. Then press the OK button.
Your Windows 8 Start Screen Command Prompt command has been renamed to Elevated Command Prompt. Now when you click on the Elevated Command Prompt tile , it will launch an Elevated Command Prompt.
Now you can use command prompt by typing the command you want to execute and then pressing Enter on your keyboard.