What is the PAT file?

A file with the PAT file extension is most likely an Image file used by graphics programs to create patterns or textures over an image with small and often square photos.

Other software types might use the PAT file extension as DiskStation Manager Settings file, UltraSound Gravis UltraSound Patch file, 3D Patch file, or Kega Fusion Cheats file.

Cách mở, chỉnh sửa, và chuyển đổi file PAT

Note: Before opening your file, double-check that you don’t confuse it with a PPT or PST file, which both share letters with the .PAT extension.

PST files are files that store Outlook personal information opens in Microsoft Outlook.

How to open the PAT file

PAT files are in the form of Image Image files, which can be opened with Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Corel PaintShop, and possibly other popular graphic and image tools.

Note: If double-clicking or double-clicking does not open the PAT file in Photoshop, open the menu item Edit> Presets> Preset Manager …   Select Pattern s as Preset Type and then click or tap download… to select the PAT file.

A PAT file can also be used as an AutoCAD Hatch Pattern file, CorelDRAW Pattern file, or Ketron Sound Pattern file. These template file types can be opened using Autodesk AutoCAD, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, and Ketron Software.

DiskStation Manager setup files are used with the Synology assistant.

PAT files used as Gravis UltraSound GF1 Patch Files can be played using Awave Studio of FMJ-Software.

3D Patch files use the.PAT file extension. These are usually text files describing 3D models, which means while Autodesk AutoCAD and AeroHydro’s SurfaceWorks can open them, so maybe a text editor like Notepad ++.

Kega Fusion simulation game is used to open the Kega Fusion Cheats files in the PAT file format (patch).

How to Convert a PAT File |

Pattern Image files used by Photoshop and other image editors are usually small pictures that those programs repeat over a canvas to create a pattern. There isn’t a good reason to convert one to a different File format.

However, since they are image files that open in graphic programs like the ones mentioned above, you need to open the PAT file, create a small template, and save it as JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.

The actual File Converter called reaConverter can convert PAT files to JPG, PNG, GIF, PRC, TGA, PDF, and many other formats. The program is only free for a short trial period, so you can only convert a few files before you have to pay for the software.

CAD software, CorelDRAW software, and Ketron software can convert the PAT files used in those programs. If possible, the option to save the PAT file in a different format can be found in the menu File> Save As or File> Export menu.