If you are a PC game or have PC performance problems, we give you some easy ways to optimize your gaming performance on Windows 10.
You can play games on Windows 10 smoothly if you need to optimize your Windows 10 system for gaming. Here are some tips that will show you how to improve your Windows 10 gaming performance.
By default, Windows 10 will automatically update your operating system, which can slow down PC games’ performance, so you should turn off automatic updates.
Right click on ” This PC ” -> ” Manage ” -> ” Service ” -> ” Windows Update ” -> ” Disable ” -> ” Apply ” -> ” OK “ .
2. Adjust your computer for best performance
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings -> System properties Advanced tab -> Performance settings -> Visual effects -> Select “ Adjust for best performance ” and click “ Apply “.
3. Turn off Nagle’s Algorithm
Although Nagle’s Algorithm is excellent for efficient data transmission, it can slow down the internet connection, affecting online gaming. Follow the steps to disable it.
(1) Press ” win + R ” and type ” Regedit “.
(2) Find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Tcpip Parameters Interfaces
(3) Find the box containing your IP address
(4) After finding the required file in a blank space, right-click on it, and create two new DWORDs. Their names are TcpAckFrequency and TcpNoDelay. After creating both, double click on it and set their parameters as “1”.
Enjoy playing the game! Don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments.