Want to go back to Windows 8, 8.1? Uninstall Windows 10

Have you installed Windows 10 on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 operating system? If you see what you don’t need Windows 10 and want to uninstall it from your Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 system, follow the steps listed below for a quick uninstall. You may have some problems with your Windows 8.1 computer if you have the latest Windows 10 or Windows 10 installed on your machine. These problems may appear from unwanted updates to your system or perhaps some modification that Windows 10 has made to your operating system registry systems. So in just ten minutes of your time, you’ll have your Windows 10 technical preview OS removed from the system and back to your work.

How to remove Windows 10 from Windows 8.1, 8

1. Uninstall Windows 10 preview

  1. If you are at the Start screen of a Windows device, left-click or tap the “Shutdown” feature.
  2. Keep the “Shift” button pressed and left click or touch the “Restart” button.
  3. You will get a troubleshooting menu after restarting your Windows 8, 10 devices.
  4. Left-click or tap on the “Troubleshoot” feature that you are presented in the menu after the Windows device reboots.
    Note: Under the “Troubleshoot” feature, you will also see the text “refresh or reset your PC”.
  5. After you left-click or tap on the “Troubleshoot” feature, you will need to left click or tap on the “Uninstall Preview updates” feature.
  6. After you choose the above feature, your Windows operating system will restart.
  7. When the Windows device boots up, you will see an “Uninstall Preview updates” window.

  8. You will need to write in that screen your Windows account and continue.
  9. After the above step, you will need to write your account password in the next window and continue.
  10. Left-click or tap on the “Uninstall” feature to uninstall your Windows 10 operating system.
  11. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process.
    Note: You can choose “Close,” In that case, you will exit the uninstall feature of the Windows 10 operating system.
  12. Once the uninstall is complete, you will need to restart your Windows 8 device to complete the Windows 10 uninstall process.

2. Uninstall Windows from the virtual software

Suppose you probably installed the new Windows 10 operating system on a virtual software inside Windows 8, 8.1. In that case, you will not need to follow the above steps as they will not affect your Windows operating system.

The only step you need to do is take it out of the virtual software you are currently using by uninstalling it directly from within the software.

3. Use the restore point

Perhaps the safest method to revert to an earlier operating system version is to use System Restore. This solution allows you to restore the full OS version installed on your PC before hitting the Update button. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open Control Panel> Under System and Security, you should find the Backup and Restore option
  2. Choose your restore point and restore it

If you haven’t created a restore point yet, the instructions listed below will show you how you can do it:

– Directly from the Start screen in Windows 10, go to “Control Panel.”

Note: Another way to access the Dashboard is to move the mouse pointer to the upper right of the screen and left click or touch the “Search” icon from that menu. From the search box, write “Control Panel” without quotes and left click or touch the icon “Control Paneln”.

In the Control Panel’s search box located at the top right of the window, you need to write the following: “system restore””.

– Left-click or tap on the link “Create a restore point” located under the “System” feature.

You now have the “System Properties” window in front of you.

Left-click or tap on the “System Protection” tab located at the top of the System Properties window

– Left-click or touch the “Create” button in this tab.

– Now, a small window called “System Protection” will pop up.

In the box under the heading “Create a restore point,” you will need to write a name for this backup.

– After you name the restore point, you will need to either left click or click on the ‘Create’ button.

Your Windows 10 system will now start creating a restore point.
Note: This process will take up to 10 or 20 minutes.

After the process is finished, you will get a pop-up message letting you know that the restore point has been successfully created.

Left-click or click “Close” in the window above, and you are good to go.

Now, if you have any problems with your Windows 10 operating system, you can go right ahead and bring it back to the restore point you just made in this tutorial.


The methods listed above are the easiest ones you can use to uninstall Windows 10 operating system and keep running Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 on your device. If you have any further questions regarding this article, let us know in the comments section below, and we will help you as soon as possible.