Rhythm or tempo in the game is essential. It determines up to 70% of the success of a particular game, especially the blockbuster AAA.
You’ve probably heard the phrase Tempo (rhythm in the game) many times. They act as the backbone to keep the game running smoothly and bring the player’s perfect feel. The game’s rhythm exists quietly, but you can feel it wherever you are, although not everyone recognizes it.
The action or antagonistic genre is what the game’s rhythm works most clearly, especially the Souls-like series. Those who have played Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice or Nioh 2 will feel each time the opponent comes forward, and you block the blow, then look for gaps to slip in. This process happens smoothly and continuously until one of the dead parties. That’s why it is called rhythm in the game.
The tempo in the game can be understood as the way that players interact on the real timeline. When you do something, the AI will also react. As the meme ” life is like a tango dance when I take a step back, you only take one step …”, you can see the boss video clips in the style of “no dmg” with moves very fast. Well, that’s because they have the opponent’s rhythm to know when to do what.
Successful action-style blockbusters must have a proper implementation, such as when I play Nioh 2 and eat onions a dozen times with a boss, I can also experience its rhythm. When I go into battle, I can even count and count the boss’s steps before making sure I never hit. It’s like a magic dance that when you “feel,” and you will feel extreme.
In addition to action, antagonism also shows the game’s tempo most clearly, mostly when two players play together. You will see when a person loses that rhythm. They will be hit continuously, cornered by the opponent, or even in the worst case, losing to perfect does nothing. Fighting games are more challenging to grasp than action because real people are fighting you, not the programmed AI.
The pace in the game is somewhat similar to the psychological game. Both try to capture the opponent’s flow and guess what he will do next—no need to be a high-level gamer, know how to play. You can experience this feeling already. In the game of countervailing counter attacks effectively, you can brush legs or objects because that is a way to interrupt the existing rhythm the opponent is building to reset it from the beginning.
Moreover, some publishers also offer a burst counter feature (basically, an action that uses the energy bar to knock the opponent out), allowing the player to immediately interrupt the opponent’s attack and regain the beat in that game. Of course, burst counters are not free items, just like the way you can take a small chance to graze.
Rhythm in the game also appears most clearly for the card game genre – the usual term used is “Tempo”. This is a crucial backbone concept for whether the game is balanced or not. For example, a game like Hearthstone has a spell card and a minion every time a monster card is placed on the table. It means that You are better than your opponent, Tempo.
Hearthstone is always the # 1 card game because it knows how to balance the tempo in the game when the spell has a smaller number of mana but has a more significant effect of making sure that one changes. 1, the users of the article will return to Tempo. Moreover, Hearthstone also allows the latter to be awarded free mana to avoid being delayed, leading to loss.
Compared to Yu-gi-oh, you can see how good Hearthstone’s rhythm is when Yu-gi-oh often complains that there are too many imba cards leading to a complete beat of the beat, in style. Only a nice hand can go from start to finish (from the profession called hand wheel) that the opponent can only stare at.
And finally, the rhythm in the game also affects the strategy genre or MOBA. With RTS games, the rhythm is expressed through how the player manages and balances between buying soldiers or controlling soldiers directly. Take StarCraft as an example. If you memorize the available build orders in the first 5 minutes, any novice can do it like a pro.
Everything only began to decompose when the tempo was pushed up. The player had to manage both the economy and the microphone continuously, so the new e-sport games had the phrase “easy to play but hard to be good at”. In MOBA genres like League of Legends or Dota, the rhythm in the game is also essential. In big tournaments, commentators often use the phrase “team A is faster than team B”, despite looking above. The index of money and network are equal.
The reason is that Team A is grasping the rhythm, such as LoL, a better moving team will change lanes faster, control vision + targets faster, and make the opponent always have to follow them rhythmic rhythms. If this goes on, it will lead to victory. In League of Legends, the Koreans are experts at capturing the game’s rhythm, so there is a long time to promote League of Legends until China and Europe change a new beat to beat them.
Any game and any genre have a rhythm in the game. They exist and develop for a long time to balance the gaming world. It can be said if a game cannot build the rhythm of the game. For itself, it is a failed product.