Left-handed people are sometimes ranked slightly disadvantaged by the popularity of convenient tools, as most of them are designed for comfortable right-handed use. This also applies in the case of Windows!
Mouse pointer for lefties
This tip can be amusing for lefties as it will tell you where to get the cursor/pointer and how to change mouse settings.
You can download pointers for lefties from Microsoft.
Now in the C: Windows Cursors folder, create a new folder named LeftHanded.
Decide which cursor size you want to use and download six left-hand pointer files then corresponding to this size.
a. Aero_arrow_left.cur
b. Aero_busy_left.cur
c. Aero_helpsel_left.cur
d. Aero_link_left.cur
e. Aero_pen_left.cur
f. Aero_working_left.cur
Now, open Mouse Properties via Control Panel and select the Pointers tab. In the Scheme list box, choose “Windows Aero (large) (scheme)” if it’s not already selected. Click Save with a name and name the new project ” LeftHanded “. Click OK.
In the Customize list, choose the Normal Select cursor. Click Browse and go to C: Windows Cursors LeftHanded. Select ” aero_helpsel_left “. Click Open. Similarly, put the other mice left. Finally, click Apply> OK.
Next, you might want to swap the left and right mouse buttons. To do so, reopen the Mouse Properties dialog box via Control Panel. On the Buttons tab, select Switch primary and secondary buttons. Click Apply> OK.