We talk a lot about Windows 10 about Make Tech easier. You can recall me about privacy concerns and why you should wait when it comes up. In the end, I had to take the TB. Some problems have been alleviated for me since I wrote these articles, but unfortunately, Windows 10 had one question in the first place. Still, it is a bit difficult to fix: it uses a lot of data.

There was once I was on a watch connection limited to only 10 GB a month. Some of you can operate with larger or smaller tanks. Regardless, if you’re here, you might want to learn how to control Windows 10 data usage, and that’s what I’m here for.

Theo dõi và kiểm soát việc sử dụng dữ liệu trong Windows 10


First, go to Microsoft Store and. Unfortunately, the app is full of advertising, but it will give you detailed information about how much data you are regularly using.


You want regardless of the amount of data used, is reasonable to maintain over a month. My provider gives me unlimited use so that you can see above, that’s not a problem for me. Let’s say you’re using a 10GB connection. You want to use no more than ~ 300MB per day.

Unfortunately, Windows 10 makes it more challenging than ever unless you change some settings.


If you’re on Wi-Fi or a cell phone, you’re in luck: go to Network Settings, select “Wi-Fi” and turn on the connection setting slider as a clock. Unfortunately, if you are using a wired connection, you cannot set your connection as measured. This is unfortunate, but there are still things you can do to reduce your unnecessary data usage.

If you still need a move to change the settings, here’s what to do. Open the Start Menu, type “Privacy” and select “Privacy Settings”.


Once you are there, move the bar below the left sidebar and select “Background apps”.


To conserve data, you’ll want to disable as much as possible. However, note that the features attached to them, like feature phones with phones, can cause problems if you disable them. For all unnecessary apps, don’t hesitate to disable background data.

There is one final thing to cover, however, and that is data protection habits.


Unfortunately, all the applications and operating system level adjustments in the world won’t help you if you don’t know how to practice good data usage habits. Start by installing things like AdBlock or uBlock to reduce the amount of stuff you’re loading on a page.

Also, limit your multimedia usage. For users operating at 10GB a month or less, you won’t have room to watch YouTube or Netflix videos or long Skype calls. These possibilities open up a bit more because your limit is higher, but you still run the risk if you ignore your daily data intake.

Overall, data conservation on Windows 10 uses the right apps and uses some old goodwill.