Use Windows 10’s Anti-Ransomware tool to Protect your computer
Enables new Anti-Ransomware protection in Windows 10 Update to reduce your chances of falling victim to the next ransomware attack.
What does the Anti-Ransomware tool do?
Controlled directory access locks specific folders to prevent unwanted changes, including nefarious encryption using a ransomware attack. It allows access to only folders protected by authorized applications.
How Anti-Ransomware works in Windows 10?
Microsoft allows friendly apps to let you continue to access your files, but it protects documents and files from being modified by suspicious or malicious applications. You can add allowances if you find that the control directory permissions are somewhat controlled and block the apps you use and know to be safe.
How to set up Anti-Ransomware?
Directory access control is not enabled by default. To enable this feature, open Windows Defender Security Center and go to Virus & threat protection> Virus & threat protection settings. First, make sure that you enable Real-time protection at the top. Next, scroll down and toggle Controlled folder access on and off.
Which folders are protected when using Anti-Ransomware?
On my PC, the following folders are protected by default: Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, and Favorites. You can view the list by clicking the Protected folders link under the toggle button to access the Windows Defender’s Security Center’s controlled folder.
You can add multiple folders to the list by clicking the Add a protected folder and selecting a folder. You can remove any folders you have added by clicking this folder in the Protected Folders list and then clicking the Remove button. However, you cannot delete any of the default folders.
How do I choose an application
Under the toggle switch for geographic features, click Allow an app through Controlled folder access and then click Adda allowed app. Here, you can navigate to an application you want to enable and click Open to whitelist.
Will the Anti-Ransomware tool work with other antivirus applications
No, it only works with Windows Defender.