When you need to quickly insert ten blank rows between row 2 and row 3 or insert ten blank rows on a specific row in Excel, how would you do? Usually, you can insert blank rows one by one. This article focuses on the tricky ways to insert multiple blank rows or columns quickly in Excel.

Method 1: Insert Multiple Blank Rows or Columns quickly with Insert Command

You can insert ten blank rows between row 2 and row 3 at the same time with the following steps:

Step 1: Select 10 entire rows below from Row 3 (include row 3).

Step 2: Then use the following two ways to insert rows:

  • Right-click the selected rows, and select Insert item in the context menu; see screenshot:

Them nhieu hang excel

  • Or you can also click Home> Insert> Insert Sheet Rows.

cach chen nhieu hang trong excel bang phim tat

It will then insert ten blank rows between row 2 and row 3 quickly. You can insert multiple empty columns at the same time. For example, you can quickly insert ten blank columns before column 3.

Method 2: Insert Multiple Blank Rows or Columns quickly with Shortcuts

We can apply the F4 shortcut to insert multiple blank rows or columns.

First, insert a blank row above row 3, then press the F4 key nine times, and it inserts ten blank rows between row 2 and row 3. And this same way also applies to insert multiple columns.

If you need to insert ten rows or blank columns, you repeatedly press the F4 key. Sometimes it can be tedious and time-consuming.

Method 3: Insert Multiple Blank Rows or Columns quickly with Kutools For Excel

Is there a way to insert multiple blank rows or columns without accounting and selecting the appropriate number of rows without pressuring F4 numerous times? Yes, Kutools for Excel is a tool that can help you to insert columns and rows.

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below: (Free Download Kutools for Excel)

Step 1: Select Line 2 and Line 3 in this case

Step 2: Click Kutools > Insert > Insert Blank Rows & Column , see screenshot:

Su dung Kutools For Excel chen hang va cot trong excel

Step 3: In the dialog box, Insert Blank Rows & Columns, select the Insert type you need. Enter 1 in the Interval of, and enter 10 in the Rows box in the Options section. See screenshot:

Su dung Kutools For Excel chen hang va cot trong excel 2

Step 4: Then click OK, and ten blank rows are inserted between row 2 and row 3 in a flash.

chen hang va cot nhanh trong excel

With the Insert Blank Rows & Columns tool of Kutools for Excel, you can quickly insert a specific number of blank rows/columns with a particular interval between output data.