Because both systems’ configuration information has been announced, I will make a quick comparison between the two sides to help you choose your console.

In just two short days, both Microsoft and Sony announced the exact configuration of their next-gen console. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but it also partly shows that “big ideas meet,” and the competition between these two consoles is starting to accelerate. In this article, I want to give you an overview of the differences between the two consoles and help you quickly decide which one you want to buy on the holidays later this year. Even if you buy both, the article will probably have a lot of useful information for you.


Both platforms’ release date was just broadly summed up to be “the end of the year holiday”, probably in late November or early December to coincide with world gamers’ shopping. However, with the current Coronavirus disease outbreak, rare events will likely occur when officially launched.

Xbox Series X và PS5, console nào là dành cho bạn?

As with the release date, the exact pricing for both consoles has not been announced. If based on information revealed in February, PS5 will probably cost quite a bit higher than the PS4 because it says that the production cost of PS5 is $ 450. For comparison, the PS4 production cost is about $ 381 and sold for $ 400. This is thought to be because phone manufacturers have been collecting RAM chips, which have led to high prices, affecting Sony. The Xbox Series X side has absolutely no information, but it will undoubtedly be affected by RAM chips’ current price increase.

Even if RAM chips’ price has not increased, next-gen consoles’ prices may still increase because of the terrible components that Microsoft and Sony have stuffed into their products.

Specific configuration

Xbox Series X và PS5, console nào là dành cho bạn?

Compare the configuration of PS5 and Xbox Series X directly.

As you can see in the table above, the Xbox Series X and PS5 have many similarities in configuration and “whistling” each other in terms of specifications. Both CPUs and GPUs of the two systems are ordered separately rather than products available on the market, so comparing them at this time based only on numbers such as GHz or teraflop is not appropriate. According to the published information, both will support ray-tracing in real-time (similar to NVIDIA’s RTX card), so gamers will enjoy this modern technology without buying a PC.

SSDs are another common point of both. Here, Microsoft has the advantage of capacity when having a 1TB hard drive, and Sony has only 825 GB. Still, Sony has previously said that they can reduce the game’s size by cutting out its parts with new technology. To compensate for slow HDD loading speed. Therefore, the game volume on PS5 may be smaller than Xbox Series X (it is not clear whether Microsoft will do the same). Both also allow storage expansion, but each has its limitation: Xbox Series X must use the same type of hard drive as its internal hard drive, while PS5 must use Sony-certified hard drives. Sony says that gamers may have to wait a while after PS5 is released for this certification to be done.

Virtual reality and backward compatibility?

We already know that gamers can reuse the PlayStation VR headset for PS5 without buying new glasses, but it’s unclear whether the existing games on this glass will work on PS5. Meanwhile, Xbox X Series will not have VR – Mr. Phil Spencer, Microsoft’s Xbox director, said that “no one needs VR.” This is the first significant difference between the two systems and may affect gamers’ decisions right now.

Xbox Series X và PS5, console nào là dành cho bạn?

If you like VR, PS5 is your choice.

On the backward compatible front, both the PS5 and Xbox Series X will allow gamers to playback the old games as soon as they are released. But this is another separation of tactics to attract gamers between these two gladiators.

Specifically, Sony’s chief architect of the system, Mark Cerny, said that the PS5 would be backward compatible with “most of the top-end games in terms of playtime” for PS4 and PS4 Pro, but it’s not clear how many games. Mr. Mark came up to explain why is that most but not all are because some games are programmed in a way that is incompatible with the power of PS5, and Sony has to test each game one by one. But this testing is going smoothly. Mark Cerny also said that gamers could store old games on regular external hard drives and run them on PS5 to save SSD storage for next-gen games.

Xbox Series X và PS5, console nào là dành cho bạn?

The weapon of Xbox is backward compatibility.

On the Microsoft side, they frankly said that if you buy Xbox Series X, gamers can play any Xbox game that has been released before, regardless of whether it is Xbox, Xbox 360, or Xbox One. Some games developed for Xbox One will also be upgraded on the Xbox Series X, such as Gears of War 5. Microsoft also has a “cross-buy” program (actually called Smart Delivery) to allow the game. Gamers buy games on Xbox One and get the free Xbox Series X. Cyberpunk 2077 is the first game to be announced for this show, and this is the strong point of the Xbox Series X. Meanwhile, Sony seems inferior to Microsoft on the backward compatibility front when they say nothing about the fate of older PS games like PS3, PS2, …


Sony lost in backward compatibility. It seems they removed the gauze with an exclusive game array (although many games for PS5 and Xbox Series X may be on PS4 and Xbox One). From Sony, Godfall, The Last of Us part 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and maybe a new Spider-Man game after Sony bought Insomniac recently. Microsoft currently has only one name to show off as Halo Infinite. Still, perhaps we will hear more new words in the future because this giant has aggressively splashed out money to buy multiple studios in the last few years—a famous game in the world.

Xbox Series X và PS5, console nào là dành cho bạn?

Ghost of Tsushima.

Hopefully, it helps you know where to buy the next system or get closer to the final decision with all of this information. Please let me know, and your readers know your choice below!